Wow. It's been two weeks since I have posted! In all of Ella Coquine history, this has never happened. What is going on? For those of you who follow me on Instagram and Twitter know that I am in New York for the week for a little post-holiday catch up with friends, family and broccoli di rabe. Here are a few vignettes of my week:
I arrived at Charles de Gaulle last week at 7:30 am for a 10:30 flight to find out that we would not be taking off until 4:30. With 9 hours sitting in an airport ahead of me, my first response was to get coffee. Well, the Starbucks in the terminal was not offering hot coffee that day, and in true New York fashion I asked the barista what I was going to do with a frappucino in the middle of January. He told me that I was in luck, because they didn't have those either. The day went by faster than I had expected (no, I didn't go to the bar) and was upgraded to business class (as pictured above.)
In an early morning jetlag haze, an informerical for Cindy Crawford's Meaningful Beauty somehow managed to convince me that I needed the skin care system. You guys, I actually ordered it. I repeat, I pulled out my wallet and ordered something called Meaningful Beauty, only to read the horrific customer reviews after the order was placed. I pretty much purchased a $39.95 (I used the promotion code Cindy123 for the discount) headache and am unable to cancel it since it is now considered a "return". Why do I get the feeling that Guthy-Renker will very much be a part of my 2014 reality?
A showdown ensued in a train station on Long Island between a young girl and a crew of drunks who were quite audibly making themselves at home in the heated waiting room. The girl had asked them to be quiet as their belligerent conversations were disturbing her reading of "All the Rules: Time Tested Secrets for Capturing Mr. Right". Their ration? They told her to go to the library, accused the slim girl of being an "anorexisist", one of them threatened to punch the wall, and then told her to go to Grand Central and tell everyone to be quiet there too. In their defense, they were whispering so hey they were honoring her wishes. Sort of.

Headed out to Brooklyn to catch up with Jenn who runs the vegan recipe blog Lorimer Street Kitchen (remember that faux-mage I made? That's a Lorimer Street creation) and Miss Champagne Diet herself for a girl's night. Okay, so only bloggers would turn an impromptu girl's night into an event that we titled "Love Your Blog".

Our three-person "event" came with its very own hashtag, a themed cocktail incorporating all of our blogs, Jenn's vegan treats (including an amazing cardamom donuts with rosewater glaze and pistachios!), and a make-up tutorial and application by me that went just wrong. I guess it is easier to do it on yourself...

(recipe on Lorimer Street Kitchen)
I have been enjoying being Stateside during this François Hollande scandal; getting the American perspective of the hot mess our French Pres has gotten himself into. The best was on the Today Show where they interviewed a French women in front of the Trocadéro métro stop (I know) decked out in fur, telling America that France doesn't have a strict policy against lying. You know, ça arrive. And of course members of my family have been looking at me with a single raised eyebrow, because you know, all Frenchmen inevitably cheat on their wives. N'importe quoi.
It's been lovely getting a taste of New York but look forward to heading back to Paris. Who knew that the two cities would switch roles where Paris means work and life, and New York is where I now go to relax...