For those not overly familiar with Facebook culture, the need for a companion for the “Like” button has long been a point of discussion among users of the social networking site.
If you can “Like” something why can’t you “Dislike” it?
I’ll tell you why: There is enough hate and negativity in this world and if you don’t have the nerve to share your “Dislike” in the comments section, or (gasp) face to face, perhaps you should not be sharing it with the world to begin with. Especially in such a petty, removed, and impersonal manner.
Naturally, ranting about my dislike of the concept in blog form is a completely different matter…naturally.
Facebook has, up to this point, not yet given in to this request. However, with their recent expansion of outside apps on the site, the options have expanded greatly from the simple yet positive “Like,” even without their personal assistance.
If anyone got lost in that last paragraph, let me make it simpler–other web sites are making it possible for you to “LOVE!,” “BOO!,” “TMI,” “HOT!,” “OMG,” “EWW!,” “LOL!” or “MEH,” articles on Facebook.
It’s enough to make you yearn for the Facebook of yesteryear. Remember when it was all about the status updates…they were simpler times. Don’t even get me started on the exclamation points.
I have just one thing to say: I “Dislike” this very much, very much indeed.
“Facebook’s ‘Like’ button gets new friends: ‘LOVE!’ ‘BOO!’ ‘OMG!’ and many more”: MSNBC
…bi-daily smile…