Self Expression Magazine

…Show Up

Posted on the 06 November 2018 by Zer @the2women
…Show Up

Well, it's here. It's Election Day. That means this is your last reminder to show up and vote...from me anyways.

To those who have voted early-high fives and fist bumps all around. You did your civic duty AND avoided waiting in line. Yay you! You're awesome!

Now go and remind everyone else to do the same. Sorry, the work of an overachieving active participant in democracy is never over.

To those who can't vote, remind those who can. Remind them of the issues. Remind them what's at stake. Remind them that every vote counts. If all else fails, remind them voting is a privilege you don't have and play that guilt card hard.

To those who haven't voted yet, there's no time like the present. Not sold? Just ask anyone who can't vote. Voting is power. Voting is a voice. Show up for the voiceless. Show up for powerless. Show up for yourself. Just be sure to show up and vote.

Go. Now. Seriously. Find your polling place ( here), and maybe read up on your ballot while you wait in line ( here). Now go and vote!

More on the Story: Politico

...just for fun:

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