Diaries Magazine
I really do apologize for the on and off posting today. After I posted design post earlier today I realized that I after all prefer this space to be my photo diary and all design posts will have a designated place in my online portfolio in stead.
Saturday in New York was snowy and a little cold, and it makes me want to eat pastrami sandwiches and brownies straight from the oven. I'm trying to remind myself to keep the balance that I found last week - with exercise, the right food and taking breaks from whatever I work with. New York tends tempt you with whatever there is to eat or buy around the next corner. It is difficult sometimes to say no to yourself, when you know you should.
It just reminds me how easily we can become so depended on those short-term rewards. In those cases I need to remind myself of all the simple pleasures. Enjoying window shopping, the multitudes of architecture in Brooklyn on a gray Saturday or even that rare moment of complete silence. Just like now, when all I can here is the my fingers pressing down the keys of my keyboard. The sky is completely blue and it's a perfect Sunday for discoveries. I wish you all a lovely one!