Diaries Magazine

Since You Guys Seem To Like Hearing From Me Even When I Have Nothing To Say...

Posted on the 26 January 2012 by Jillofalltrades @JillDeTrabajos
Let's see, what's going on with me?
Still riding the high from the "nice legs" thing.
Only worked 2 days this week, so got things done like cleaning my room, sleeping and applying moisturizer.
Still vegan. Only cracked once, and had some cheese on my pizza. Otherwise I've been perfect.
Considering gigantic life changes, to be revealed at a later date.
Keeping up on the blogs I follow.
Dressing like an adult.
Acting like an adult.
Working through a bunch of my baggage, trust issues, and trauma.
Being confident, kick-ass, and awesome. Veronica Mars-style.
So there's a little update. Another thing: would you guys hate me if I put one TIIIIIINY little ad on this page? Like, in some subtle little spot where you'd barely even notice it? Email me or comment if you have something to say about it. I really want the feedback.
More soon. *kisses*

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