There are certain things in life that you can never have too much of. You know, like chocolate, kittens, reruns of “The Big Bang Theory” (they only improve with each viewing), and reports reminding us all that our morning coffee addiction (I mean routine) is actually good for us.
So pour yourself another cup of health, sit back, and prepare for the fuel to justify that third cup.
This most recent study, published in the American Heart Association’s journal “Circulation” and conducted by a research team at Harvard, found that drinking 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day can lead to a decrease in “overall mortality.” Yes, that’s right, caffeinating yourself past the point of no return makes you less mortal…which sounds awesome.
[cue the ICED coffee victory shower…coffee burns do not have any health benefits…that we know of…yet…]
Full disclosure, all that means is that regular coffee drinkers have a lower risk of early death. So to be clear, coffee will not make you a god.
Also, not sleeping to the point that the only thing that keeps your eyes open is half a dozen cups of coffee comes with its own health risks.
Sleep people. The mystical powers of coffee can’t do all the work for you.
NPR: Drink To Your Health: Study Links Daily Coffee Habit To Longevity
…bi-daily smile…