
Slimming Natural Beauty Secrets: Eating Clean

Posted on the 28 July 2013 by Kinderhandbtips
Every woman can go on a diet.  But restricting what you eat and counting "calories" then rewarding yourself or having a "cheat reward" or sugar-laden snacks, really is a bad never-ending cycle that does not work.  It's just a media gimmick for a chance for companies to cash in.
God did not make doughnuts, sweets and processed foods for us to consume.  He created fruit, vegetables and animals for us to consume.
We should try to consume a diet as close to this as possible.
Foods to avoid and why:

Slimming Natural Beauty Secrets: Eating Clean
Caffeine does nothing for cellulite - it makes it WORSE.  That coffee you drink every day slows down all the detoxification pathways in your body (such as your liver - the main organ which detoxes and burns fat).  The odd coffee now and again is fine, but anymore often than that and you increase your chance of getting cellulite.
Refined Carbohydrates
Such as wheat-based breakfast cereals, bread, crisps and chips, adds loads of empty calories that do absolutely nothing good for your body.  They also contribute to cellulite because of the bad fats they contain.
Slimming Natural Beauty Secrets: Eating Clean
This is a big obvious one.  Alcohol is a toxic.  It's full of sugar - this is the first thing to go if you want to eat clean and get rid of cellulite, as it is a MAJOR contributor to cellulite.
Slimming Natural Beauty Secrets: Eating Clean
Sugar is the worst culprit.  Sugar MAKES you fat.  Your body simply cannot process too much of it so it gets stored as fat.  Not only that, but it makes burning fat even harder.   If you are eating sugar every day don't expect to shift any excess weight, as all the gym sessions in the world wouldn't make any difference.
Not only does it make you fat, but it makes you old too!  When your blood-sugar levels rise, sugar attatches itself to the collagen fibres in the skin.  When collagen breaks down (usually with age) your skin begins to appear old, wrinkled and sag.  Too much sugar can break down collagen prematurely, making skin less plump and elastic.
Sugar has a similar effect on the brain as opiates (like heroin).  These kinds if drugs are an instant hit of satisfaction - pleasure, calm and satisfied, making sugar an incredible addiction.  When the food industry figured this out, they started to produce foods packed full of sugar.
When craving sugary snacks like chocolate snacks, reach for something a lot kinder to your body (I find eating dates a good substitute for a sugary craving!).
Smoking and Smoggy Environments/Cities
Breathing in these toxic fumes add stress to your body and are incredibly ageing!  Avoid these environments at all costs - if you are a smoker, it's gotta go bye-byes today.
Not exercising and Sitting down all day
Poor circulation and not doing any exercise all day really makes you sluggish and have no energy, as well as doesn't burn any body fat.  If you sit down at work all day, try to have a quick 5 miniute break every hour and go for a short walk, or put in some situps or squat exercises - make the most of every part of the day!
Slimming Natural Beauty Secrets: Eating Clean
Foods Labelled Low fat/diet
Avoid these like the plague!  These often include a sweetener called "aspartame".  Read all about what it is and why you should avoid it here.
Foods to consume and why:

Antioxidant-rich foods
All dark berries contain high amounts of antioxidants, especially "acai" berries.  These are great at getting rid of cellulite naturally!
Green Tea
Green tea is absolutely brimming with antioxidants.  It's also an excellent alternative to coffee.    Drinking three cups a day makes it easier for the body to process sugar. More reasons to drink it!  It literally helps melt the fat away.
Vegetables, Fruit, Flaxseeds, Chia Seeds, Nuts and Aloe Vera Juice
These are your natural vitamins!  No need to buy vitamin capsules if you are eating very well. These are brilliant for your digestive system and well-being.
Epsom Salt Baths and Dry Body brushing
This is a brilliant way to ditch your body from toxins.  For the salt bath, pour two cupfuls into a hot bath and soak for atleast 20 miniutes, three times a week.  Tbe salts are full of magnesium which encourage the body to shed toxins quickly (remember these toxins encourage water retention and cling on to fat).
Every morning dry body-brush yourself.  Brush yourself especially before your shower or bath.  This boosts circulation and helps get rid of cellulite!
This is just a start on tbe basics of clean eating, and a healthy way of life!
Do you have any healthy tips to share?

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