Here are some things I used to suck at, but can now do:
-After a lifetime of struggle, I've finally gotten my digestive system to balance out. That's right guys, I'm now one of those people who poops on the regular.
Oh heavens to Betsy, Mabel, why didn't you tell me?
-After 8 years of training and 4 years of practice, I finally rinse out the kitchen washrag between uses.
-I can French braid my hair perfectly. Without a mirror.
Like this!
-I can broil garlic bread without burning it.
-I can have an orgasm.
-I can shave my armpits without cutting myself.
-I can ride my bicycle 3 miles straight without having an asthma attack.
OMG! I made it to the end of the driveway without an inhaler!
How about you guys? What are your small (but not-so-small) accomplishments?