Self Expression Magazine

…Sneak a Peek

Posted on the 07 September 2016 by Zer @the2women

Scrambled Television ScreenHappy What to Watch Wednesday!

It’s early September, so guess what?!? There’s absolutely nothing new on television.

And with just over a week to go until the Emmy Awards, there is nothing new on until a week from Monday.

So…what to do until then…

Okay, well the good news is there’s plenty to look forward to this season, and the bad news is there’s plenty to look forward to this season. If you’re anything like me, that’s a double-edged sword. There’s just too many good shows, and while I feel compelled to watch them all…I do like to do other things some of the time.

Still, in the interest of playing devil’s advocate, here are some of the more interesting new additions to this year’s line up. I wish you and your self-control the best of luck.

And on that note, I’ll leave you to enjoy the fact that there’s absolutely nothing you need to watch on television tonight. Go enjoy the end of summer, or read a book.

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