Diaries Magazine

Social Media Icons : A Vortex of Awesomeness !

Posted on the 10 August 2013 by Lynne @lynneknowlton

Did you know that you can get social media icons for your blog or website for free?

Did you know that there are about one thousand zillion trillion options out there to chose from?

Oh. my. Word.

Just google image water color social media icons and get ready to be sucked into a vortex of awesomeness.

I need your help !

Will you help me chose social media icons for this blog?

I can’t look anymore. My eyeballs are too googlie eyed from all the amazeballs of awesomeness out there.

Leave a comment in the blog with a link to the icons.  Then, I will legit kiss you.  Quite possibly on the lips.  That is how much social media icons excite me.  I’m outta control.

Give it a whirl.  Like photo apps, it’s über cool !

Here’s a couple of teasers ….

Watercolor Social Media Icons

Did you know that you can install your own #Social #Media icons on your #blog ? How cool is that? Via @lynneknowlton

Social Media Icons : A vortex of awesomeness !

More icons by Camila Bunny

Did you know that you can install your own #SocialMedia watercolour icons for free on your #blog ?

Social Media Icons : A vortex of awesomeness !

PS. If you are reading this…. you are on a new section of the blog. It is part of the ‘dailies’ called Daily Awesomeness.

A thought a day for 30 days.  And not every single day.  Just whenever.  I hope you enjoy !

Current subscribers won’t receive this in their email inbox, unless you ask for it. I respect your inbox. It’s your place of utmost privacy.  LOL.  Like that other place.


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