"Shall I accompany you?", he asked her as she was stepping out for her daily walk. She kissed him goodbye and lovingly declined.That day, he final decided to follow her and watch what she did while she was alone. She sat on the stone and took out the packet of grains she carried in her pocket. Birds were already waiting for her. They spread their wings in joy over her as she sat there. She was smiling all by herself as she fed the little angels. She hugged herself and looked up in the sky. He noticed that she had that sparking smile on her lips throughout the time.That day, he realized that she did not like to be alone; she just loved those moments of solitude.
Solitude that taught her the most important lesson of life - to love yourself.
This fiction is written for the Indispire Topic - Solitude teaches some of the most valuable lessons in one'slife. Comment or weave a story on this theme