Photo courtesy of Renjith Krishnan
So, I've been doing a lot of planning for 2012 with the goals of finding an agent and getting published at the top of my list. But I have also been doing a lot of thinking about blogging. I love this blog and have been posting almost every single day for over a year. It is a wonderful place that allows me space to praise other writers--screenwriters, tv show writers, bloggers, journalists, freelancers, novelists--and share excellent writing with you. And I enjoy connecting with others writers. I also like to have a space through Soul Saturdays to reflect on my journey and encourage you along your own journey to publication (or wherever you are headed!).But the reality is, this blog doesn't really give me the platform to help connect with potential readers of my to-be-published women's fiction.
So, I've decided to start a second blog which will be about the topics that are in my favorite books and in my own novels. These include biggies like:
- Love
- Friendship
- Identity
- Marriage
- Family
- Career
- Happiness
- Marriage
- Anything to do with dreams, emotions, and goals
Of course, a healthy (or not-so-healthy!) amount of alcohol is also mixed in to these experiences (wine often, but I am a craft beer fanatic as well). I want to be able to talk about these topics with readers of women's fiction who also enjoy these topics.
The blog is currently in the works and will launch this week. My husband will be co-writing it as he helps me edit all my novels and gives me insight when I write from my male characters point of views. We've been married almost 8 years and together 10, so we want to share what we've learned through this (very) bumpy journey!
Mondays: We will give our individual opinions about an issue, question, or piece of marriage advice.
Wednesdays: We will discuss a date night experiment to give you ideas for the weekend.
Fridays: I will round up links related to women's fiction and relationships that I have discovered through the week.
This schedule and the topics aren't set in stone, so if you have suggestions on what you would like to read on the new blog, please let me know in the comments below.
I hope you will join us when the new site is ready at!