Choices. Decisions. The things that can change your life. If you know in your soul what you have to do, just do it. Don't drag it out my friends as you are setting yourself up for failure...or worse. Stress. Stress is the stuff that blocks your path both figuratively and literally. It makes your head ache, your neck tense and your back hurt. If you had to stop and give a friend advice about your situation, what would you say? I know it doesn't seem that easy, but it can be. Are you over-analyzing the situation just a wee bit? Chances are...yes. Yes you are. So trust your gut. That's right. That little thing called intuition...well it's there for a reason. Now go forth and do that thing you don't want to do. Be weightless.
Posted in Inspiration, changing lifechoicesdecisionshelping a friendinspirational quotesinspireintuitionmaking up your mindmotivationmoving forwardmusingsperspectivework in progressLife