With about a month and a half of 2019 behind us, I know there are some out there who have already let those resolutions slide. Don't worry, this is not a place for judgment. This Monday, I'd like to help with some new-year-slump motivation.
And if your slipping resolutions had anything to do with organization, have I got some great news for you. It' Clean Out Your Computer Day (yes, that's actually a thing).
So let's take advantage of this fortuitously placed holiday and reignite that new year motivation with a Monday boost and a project that Marie Kondo would be proud of.
Although (and I cannot stress this enough!) you may not want to go full Kondo on your PC or Mac. Those tax returns may not spark joy, but they could spark a giant problem if you dump them in the trash bin no matter how many times you thank them first.
But there's still plenty of satisfaction to be found in cleaning up that desktop and getting those essential files in a folder that makes sense and backed up.
Because what could possibly spark joy more than knowing that you won't have to spend twenty minutes searching for, "that file you know you left on your desktop."
So let's get out there and conquer this week with a clean slate and a well-organized hard drive!
...bi-daily smile...