Diaries Magazine

Sparkly * Spanking* New * Blog Design

Posted on the 15 March 2012 by Lynne @lynneknowlton

NEW Blog Site Design !!!


Roam all around.  Check it out.

I realize there are a bazillion blogs out there in the big wide world of Internet …

 I want you to know that I am truly over- the- moon grateful that you have stopped by and taken the time to check out this blog.  It has been a great journey so far.

 This new blog design will make it super easy for you to navigate around.

Basically, you will not even need to think.

 It will read your mind and do what you want it to.

    * I WISH *

I would hire my blog to clean my house.  And cook dinner.

If you subscribed to the blog in the past, your subscription is lost to never- never land and you will need to re-subscribe now.  Like NOW–> Quick , go push that button on the top right.  It says SUBSCRIBE.  It is not rocket science, I pinky swear it.

I will happy dance around the room – with my smile back on.

Sorry for the extra step of re-subscribing.  You can make a face.  I did.

Show your teeth and say pffft !!!


A Chatter box Pffft !

By subscribing, it simply means that you will receive my current blog posts directly to your email inbox via feedburner { or google reader, if you are feeling fancy-dancy }.

I am looking forward to sharing some pretty FAB blog posts that I have up my sleeve.

 I have some funky new photo edit programs that I have been working in.  I haven’t had a shower in a week, or brushed my hair, or made dinner for the family…but the photos in the blog should be kinda AWESOME. :)


This is what my hair looks like right now

Jokes, I think I made dinner once.  We had popcorn.

Along with site redesign,  my other blog goal is to be able to survive on coffee and cupcakes alone.

~ So far, that goal is working out pretty fine in*deed*y ~

Please SUBSCRIBE and join me on this new journey.

With much love and laughs,


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