Self Expression Magazine

…speaketh Well

Posted on the 23 April 2016 by Zer @the2women


On this day when thou shouldst speaketh like Shakespeare.
I’ll most ardently endeavor to try
To keep dialog flowery and pithy.
But I may let iambic pentameter slide.

Today we recall our friend, Shakespeare
And the 400 years since his death.
Is’t morbid? Well, aye.
But the Bard’s work is still alive
So there’s no need to feel so bereft.

It’s been 400 years since he left us,
And we’re still all entranced and enthralled
By the words that he wrote and the tales that he told
That were smart, witty, comedic, and bold.

Now let’s take one quick moment, dear cousins
For the poor souls among us who pout,
Claim bewilderment, boredom, frustration, and grief
When trying to sort the Bard out.

Shakespeare’s work need not make your head acheth
Or cause thee distress. For its plots
While written long ago, are universal (you know)
So don’t let the words all but tie you in knots.

The present day is one for much gladness
As we celebrate the enduring appeal
Of all of Will’s works (with its multitude of quirks).
Make certain it overfloweth with zeal.

Happy Talk Like Shakespeare Day!

Learneth more here: Talk Like Shakespeare Day

…bi-daily smile…

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