As we make the final push towards the holiday weekend, the universe has sent us all a helping hand to get us through the remaining hours. The pumpkin spice latte is back!!!
Pure autumn joy and goodness, right? Well, it depends on who you talk to.
Believe it or not, the PSL is the most divisive seasonal latte(enough qualifiers for you?).
Well, if you have to ask, then congrats you spend your time thinking about more important things than the right arrival time for the PSL.
Yes, that’s right. The strongest objectors to the PSL are the ones who think that Starbucks brings back this cup of pure autumn joy too early each year. Which I can kind of empathize with…but barely.
It does seem like each year the holidays and autumn keep creeping in earlier and earlier. Pretty soon we’ll be skipping straight from the Fourth of July to Halloween.
But the PSL is more than just a late-summer herald of fall. It’s a delicious promise that soon the heat of summer will pass, and we’ll be able to enjoy pumpkin spice everything while wearing our favorite boots and sweaters.
If that bothers you, well then I suggest you avoid Starbucks for the next month. Meanwhile, the rest of us will be enjoying our PSL’s and our 90 degree heat.
More on the Story: Pumpkin Spice Latte
…just for fun: