Self Expression Magazine

…Stay Curious

Posted on the 19 April 2017 by Zer @the2women

Children of the 90’s (and others with an undying thirst for knowledge), I have some great news…NETFLIX science bill nye april fools bill nye the science guy GIFYes, everyone’s favorite “Science Guy” is back, on Netflix, this Friday. His new show, “Bill Nye Saves the World,” promises all the science, quirkiness, and curiosity of the original series. It also could not have come at a better time.

For those of you unfamiliar with the man behind the show, Bill Nye taught many a science class on things like gravity…NETFLIX netflix reaction science mic drop GIF

The Big Bang theory…before it was a television show.

NETFLIX netflix reaction science bill nye GIF

And…I’m going to go with the water cycle on this one…

 science water pot bill nye lesson GIFHe also did it all while rocking a sweet bow tie.

…Stay CuriousIn a world of alternative facts and those who think who think facts are opinions, we could use a little more Bill Nye and a lot more science.

…just for fun:


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