Self Expression Magazine

…Stay on Track

Posted on the 15 August 2017 by Zer @the2women

…Stay on TrackAgatha Christie’s “Murder on the Orient Express” is a novel that all other murder mysteries strive to be.

A woman ahead of her time, Christie produced a practically perfect series of novels for her master of deductive skills, Hercule Poirot. However, for many “Orient Express” holds a special place in her collective works.

A train full of possible suspects, and each one as likely to be guilty as the next. Solved, sort of, thanks to happenstance and Poirot’s superior deductive skills. It is, in many ways, the perfect crime.

This smart, riveting quick-read has been translated for the small and bigscreen before. The latest and greatest comes out this year, looks promising, and gives you the perfect excuse to read or revisit this classic novel.

…just for fun:


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