Self Expression Magazine

…stay Sweet

Posted on the 15 May 2018 by Zer @the2women

Today is a very special day, crusaders. Today we celebrate those small sweet moments in life. Yes, take a moment to savor those tiny dollops of sweetness, it’s Chocolate Chip Day!

…stay sweet

And on this rainy Tuesday (or any day), I ask you, is there anything better than a chocolate chip?

…stay sweet

Yes, we all love them in the cookie of the same name…

…stay sweet

But chocolate chips are so much more than that.

…stay sweet

They’re the guilty pleasure hiding in your otherwise healthy(ish) trail mix, the perfect pancake pep-er upper, and the ultimate raisin replacement for ants on a log…

…stay sweet

They’re that little taste of sweetness that we all need from time to time…

…stay sweet

So leave the guilt where it is (forever, seriously) and savor the sweetness.

…stay sweet

…bi-daily smile…


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