Self Expression Magazine

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Posted on the 07 October 2017 by Zer @the2women

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Happy weekend, crusaders!

I hope everyone this Saturday finds everyone in full-on fall mode. Per tradition, now that it’s an acceptable time to break out the pumpkins, the retailers have moved on to Christmas. Don’t get me wrong. I’m as big a fan of Christmas as the next guy, but let’s give Halloween it’s day (night) in the sun (dark) first, shall we?

So in honor of the still yet-to-arrive day of spooks, here’s a Halloween warm-up for this autumn weekend.

I know to fellow-Halloween enthusiasts a warm-up may seem unnecessary, but as hard as it may be to believe, Halloween is not everyone’s cup of tea…

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…and I certainly don’t want to force the season’s festivities on anyone…

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…but ready or not, the Halloween season is here…

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And the beauty of this season is that there’s a Halloween for everyone…

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It’s not just about scaring yourself silly…

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Although if you’re into the horror of the season, go for it, I’ll see you in December…

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For now, I wish you a Happy Halloween season however you celebrate it…

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…bi-daily smile…


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