Well folks, it’s a race day, so I apologize, but I’ve got to keep this short.
Earlier this week, a fantastic hashtag movement got overlooked (by me) and today seemed like a good day to give it a delayed nod. So, four days after #GivingTuesday, here goes nothing.
Today, after years of promising to “sign up next year,” I (along with Zer who followed up on that promise a few years ahead of me) am finally running the 5K in Memphis for St. Jude’s.
I’ve been told by those who are awesome and run this race nearly every year (you know who you are) that it’s an amazing experience, and I can’t wait. It’s a great cause, full of great people doing great things for kids with cancer and their families.
As Christmas rushes up on us, let’s not forget the reason for the season, and those who could use that charity the most.
And, I’ll leave you with that thought. Check my Twitter and Instagram for updates from the event (I’ll do my best), and have a fantastic Saturday!
…bi-daily smile…