A year ago, we lost Mr. Steve Jobs. He lost to cancer. He died with his family and friends around him. I have always been more interested in the life of Bill Gates than Steve Jobs. But only after his death, I started to find his life very fascinating. I haven't read as much about Jobs until October 2011, but after his death, I began unfolding STEVE JOBS and APPLE.
I am going to dispense my research here, you may have read some of it or all of it, but I will still suggest you to read again, because this one here is very detailed. Trust me.
And Here We Go.
· Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco and was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs on 24th Feb, 1955. · Hewlett-Packard was his first Employers; he was only 13 years old, when he called up Bill Hewlett for a Summer Job. · A 13 years old Steve Jobs met a 18 year old Steve Wozniak and bonded well only because they shared a love for Electronics, Pranks and Bob Dylan.

· He also said: “We weren’t going to find a place where we could go for a month to be enlightened. It was one of the first times that I started to realize that maybe Thomas Edison did a lot more to improve the world than Karl Marx and Neem Kairolie Baba put together.”
· And thus he returned to America and passionately created Apple and there he found “Enlightenment”. · On April 1st, 1976, Apple Inc. was incorporated by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ron Wayne. · It was named Apple, because he came from cultivating Apples during college and also he was fascinated with Newton’s Apple connection so he found it funny. · In 1978, his ex-girlfriend Chris-Ann Brennan gave birth to their daughter LISA. Steve did not acknowledge that he is the father of that child. · Even though, he did not commit about him being the father of LISA, he started working on APPLE LISA, which became the first personal computer sold to the public with “Graphical User Interface”. · Steve later admitted that “obviously the Apple Lisa was named after my daughter”.
· In September 1985, Steve Jobs resigns from Apple and starts NeXt with 5 others fired from Apple. · In 1989, Steve was named “entrepreneur of the decade” by Inc. Magazine. · In February 1995, Steve Jobs becomes president and CEO of Pixar Animation Studios. · In November 1995, Pixar goes public and Steve Jobs turns billionaire. · Steve’s biological sister Mona Simpson, publishes her third book A Regular Guy was published in 1996, whose main character Tom Owens was largely based on Steve Jobs. · In July 1997, Steve joins Apple again as the interim CEO and he installs the team of NEXT on the top slots of Apple. · Steve Jobs is depicted in the TV Movie Pirates of Silicon Valley in April 1999. · Apple’s first retail store opens in Virginia and California. · In July 2002, first windows compatible iPods are introduced. · On 30th may 2003, finding Nemo was released and later on became Pixar’s first animated feature academy award winner. · October 2003, Steve Jobs introduces iTunes for Windows. · In the fall of 2003, after being diagnosed Pancreatic Cancer; he refuses any modern medical treatment for months, and instead tries ‘changed’ diets. · In 2004, iPod mini was unveiled which established Apple as a consumer electronics powerhouse. · Steve jobs undergo surgery which removed his Pancreatic Cancer in August 2004. · In June 2005, Steve Jobs makes a memorable speech at Stanford University and quoted “Stay hungry stay foolish.”
· In 2006, Apple launches its “Mac vs. PC” campaign. · Pixar’s eighth film was Ratatouille which was released on the same day as iPhone. · The Media personnel starts discussing Steve’s health after he appeared very thin at the launch of iPhone 3G. · January 2009, Steve took a 6-month medical leave. · In September 2009, Steve came back makes his first public appearance in public after the medical leave. · In January 2010, Steve Jobs unveils iPad and quotes “the biggest thing Apple’s ever done” · And then in January 2011, Jobs surprises everyone and declares his medical leave with no end date. · Although he was on medical leave, he came on stage to unveil iPad 2 on 2nd march 2011. · On 7th June 2011, to unveil Apple’s plan for its “spaceship” campus, Steve Jobs made his last public appearance. · On 24th August 2011, Steve Jobs officially resigns as CEO of Apple. He quoted “I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple's CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come.” · Tim Cook becomes the new Apple CEO. On 5th October 2011, Steve Jobs died at his home with his family around him. 19 days after he died, Walter Isaacton publishes his biography which was simply named Steve Jobs. And now here we are, in a world without the phenomena called Steve Jobs. But his legacy will never die, the par excellence machines he made thinking out of the box. The only reason someone avoid buying an Apple product is that he can’t afford it. I never heard of any reason people say when not buying an Apple product. Steve Jobs. An innovator never born before and definitely we doubt if there will be another person in the centuries to come who will match the intelligence quotient of Mr. Steve Jobs. I salute to the man, who has been a hero in our lives. I never owned an Apple Product, but that does not affect an admirer. I know whatever products they are selling out there; Apple will remain the best. -Amritt Rukhaiyaar