Because you can.
Give it a swift kick in the gonads.
Because YOU can.
Don’t let it kick you in the gonads.
Because it can.
They say that a man only goes to the hospital if it involves his penis.
After I saw this sign at Princess Margaret Hospital today, I’m starting to believe it :

Love the ‘man to man’ part- too funny!
Believe me, I don’t think that cancer is all moon beams and fairy dust.
It’s not.
It can be a mother f*%$er.
Yes , that is a strong word. It is so strong, I couldn’t spell the whole thing out.
My mother and my dog read this blog. I have a reputation to uphold.
Truth is:
Cancer can be a Debbie Downer on all levels. Just ask anyone who is fighting the good fight. It is wicked. Wicked on epic levels of wickedness. There are many times when each and every one of us want to punch cancer in the head.
So yes -
CANCER – You can KISS my ASS. <– a blog post about cancer.
And it is also about LIVING.
Cancer can KISS your ass too. Go ahead.
Try it.
It freaking rocks to tell cancer to kiss it.
Kiss it where the sun don’t shine.

Huge gratitude to Princess Margaret hospital for their incredible campaign against cancer!
Here is what I choose:
I choose to focus on the success stories. Like Michael. Like so many others who give it all they’ve got.
I think he is a success story. I think they are a success story.
Michael is successfully alive.
Cancer is like having a monkey on your back.
Sometimes it plays with your hair,
Sometimes it plays funny games,
Sometimes it takes a big crap on your shirt.
You can quote me on that.
For each and every one of you who are touched by cancer…remember this….
AND one thing is for sure….
For all of you who are touched by cancer : fight the good fight.
Fight it with all you’ve got.
Do you know someone with cancer? Hold their hand.
Tell them that you love them.
Because it matters. It really matters.

Quote via “Life’s Little Instruction Book”
Do you have cancer? Fight it like it is the most important thing you will ever do in your life.
Because it matters.
It really matters.
Punch cancer in the face.
STOMP ON CANCER like it stole your wallet.

Thank You Princess Margaret, for reminding me to BELIEVE.
Big love,