Here is a glimpse into our journey with cancer.
It’s about family, friends, and all the love and support that this blogging world has afforded me.
It’s also about Michael’s stem cell harvest, hospital visits and chemotherapy.
{{ The real stuff minus the throw up. }}
It is my way of saying
Thank you
To each and every one of you
~ from the bottom of my heart ~
Thank you for all your epic support in our journey :
Today I’m going try and change the world
Gonna take it one day at a time…
I’m gonna say hello to my neighbor
Greet him with a smileShake the hand of a stranger
Sit and talk to him for a whileTell someone I love them
From the bottom of my heartToday I’m gonna try to change the world
Sending a special shout out of incredible thanks to all the beautiful souls at Princess Margaret Hospital. Thank you for making such an epic difference in our lives and in the lives of so many. We are so very grateful.
Peace, love and healing…
PS. The slideshow music is by Johnny Reid~ Today I’m Going to Try and Change the World.
Here is a link to the slideshow on YouTube, if you would like to view it there : Stomp on Cancer like it stole your wallet ( via YouTube ).
Please share this post and video to help others in their journey with cancer. With much love, Lynne xx