Nothing says warm, breezy summer days than a hooded wool coat layered over a cashmere scarf and sweater, right? Am I complaining? Nah. Warm summers in Paris went out in 2010 never to be seen again. A chilly and wet summer was already expected, and if I want any sun for longer than an hour, Paris is more than happy to show me the door to one of many destinations that will provide me with it. There's always holding out hope for a warm autumn, right?
Just because I have experienced several summers here, doesn't mean that I'm excused from learning something new. Are we ever? I think that's actually what I love most about living abroad; there is always a new discovery just waiting to happen.
On an early Saturday evening Velib ride through the 11th and the 12th, we turned down this street that is fairly close to where I live, that I have never seen or even heard of before. It took a spontaneous bike ride (which sadly I seldom do) to turn a corner to one of the cutest streets I have ever seen, trumping even Gay Street, one of my favorite spots in the West Village.
Rue de Crémieux just steps away from Gare de Lyon certainly made the bumpy first leg of my bike ride worth it. Note: If you are an inexperienced rider like moi, I'd advise avoiding major stations where cars, pedestrians, taxis, better cyclists and buses are coming in all directions. After I almost got hit by a bus barreling past the station and making a sharp left, crossing over into my bike lane, I needed off the main road making random turns which brought me to this absolutely darling little street.

If this isn't a warm welcome, I don't know what is.
I was practically begged to stroll this street.

Since I will be on vacation very soon (!!!) and I'm a newfound Veliber , what are some other adorable streets off the beaten path that I should check out?
Happy first days of summer wherever you are!