Self Expression Magazine

Summer Musings…

Posted on the 28 June 2012 by Drowqueen @theburnedhand

I am so restless right now that I can’t begin to describe it.  Several things could have come together and worked for me to travel, but all three of them fell through.  I did not write a follow-up post about being the runner-up in the HGTV contest because I actually boycotted watching it only to find out that my mother watched it. Grrr.  For those of you who are wondering what I am talking about, I entered my family in a House Hunter’s on Vacation contest and ummm, yeah, it would have been awesome, but the timing was off.  It was exactly what we thought it was going to be…yes, they stayed in a castle.  Yes, that was actually what I wrote my dream vacation was.  I think we were very close to winning, but as many of you know, my dachshund was very bad off and she meant more to me than the trip.  It was not the right time and I am a big believer in things happening for a reason.

So, moving forward.  I was way down on a waiting list for a very cool class with a good buddy of mine from college, but did not make it off the list.  She gets to take her man and that is more awesome:)  Not that we wouldn’t have had a good time, but they were meant to go on this trip together.  Moving on, I was on the waiting list for another really cool class.  Ha.  Ummm, I got in the class at the last moment, but had already booked the only week left at this wonderful place in North Carolina where I will be taking plenty of camera phone quality photos to blog about.  Still, the passport renewal is calling my name.  To the point that I am ready to sell my house.  Don’t tell anyone.  I’m pretty sure I can’t sell my house, so I have to come up with another plan.

That’s where this book might come in called Novel Destinations.  I am seriously thinking about ordering it and finding all the ones in the United States.  I have seen places of interest in England, but would still love to go back.  Who am I kidding, I would travel most anywhere.  I am always coming up with new ideas and I know I throw everything into this one blog, but if you remember, my theme encompasses pretty much everything that you learn from, and believe me, there is much to learn from everyday.  I think that coming this close to some opportunities has taught me that I have to work harder to schedule travel plans in on a regular basis.  And yes, I realize I am saying this after a weekend of road trips, but it only makes me want to see more.  Thinking about possibly throwing in some more VA history, so look out for that.

“Writing and travel broaden your ass if not your mind and I like to write standing up.”  ~Ernest Hemingway

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