I’m trying something new for today’s post – and if I like it, I’ll stick with it. I love Lauren’s blog, Siddathornton, and every Sunday she hosts the Sunday Currently, showing, natch, what people are currently up to. It’s a wonderful little glimpse into what people are occupying their time with, what’s on their minds, what their daily lives are like, and I just felt like jumping on the bandwagon!
In…Washington D.C. at the Association for Psychological Science Convention. So far that has translated to a little time in the convention, a trip to my aunt’s house in Potomac, a segway tour of Capitol Mall {so much fun!}, tours of the Smithsonian, and a great deal of wandering about. Today’s the big day for us – presentation day.
Reading…Edelman Digital’s brilliant blog offerings in Yes, I Can Walk In These, a blog about business life and life in general from a woman’s perspective, and thinking that I really need to get a copy of Lean In.
Writing…other than this blog post? I know, I’m a smart ass. I’m working on an abstract for a paper some friends and I want to do on the security issues that stem from the Army’s sexual harassment crisis, my Ph.D. application to see if I can come back and teach again {holy crap!}, updating my CV, and making notes on the sample chapter and outline of my book that I’m getting ready to ship out {yikes!}. Lots of stuff going on here!
Listening…to my Lindsey Stirling Pandora channel. Dubstep violin is my creative muse jam du jour. I need a shorter label for that.
Thinking…that it’s a shame such a beautiful and historic place should be so full of assholes. I loved grad school because I was close enough to visit D.C., but if I ever have to work in the Pentagon, I think I’ll go crazy.
Smelling…hotel soap, something pastry-like wafting up from downstairs, and morning coffee. Beautiful things!
Wishing…that my family wasn’t strung out all over the globe so that we could have more get-togethers like we had this weekend. Sitting around the table with my aunts, my mom, my husband, and my sister was wonderful.
Hoping…my renewed enthusiasm for running and burning calories won’t be too upset by all the wonderful food I’ve been indulging in this weekend. But I brought my running shoes with me and even managed to jog the mall, so I’m feeling good about all this!
Wearing…something pretty similar to this conference wear I posted on Friday!
Loving…that my husband has been able to travel with me, that he’s able to turn these trips into mini-vacations for us even though I’m working, and that even though we’re so busy, we manage to make quality time to spend together.
Wanting…more coffee. Lots more coffee.
Needing…the usual reassurance before I go in front of any audience, academic or otherwise, that yes, I am smart enough to do this, and no, no one’s going to laugh or make fun of me, and yes, people are actually going to show up and we won’t be talking to an empty room. I always have a little bit of imposter anxiety before a presentation. We all have our foibles.
Feeling…tired. I need a nap. I need a lot of naps. All at once. But I always feel guilty taking a nap, like I’ve missed something exciting that might have happened while I was sleeping! Which is why I’m tired.
Clicking…blogs! What else? You can see what I’m reading at Bloglovin’. And yeah, I’m pretty shocked, too, at the number of blogs I’m actually following on here. I do read most of them, but it may be time to let a few go.
What’s on your mind, currently?