Can you believe it - December already! Where does the time go?
Finally I can get my teeth into the Christmas season.
My Dad’s birthday is on 1st December, so this weekend we’ve been to Lincolnshire to catch up with him.
I’m sitting on the sofa in his living room as we speak – it’s like a scene from the Royale Family.
Tris “If I try and write ‘Pocock’ on my phone it comes up as ‘Robocop’".
Me “Dad – have you got predictive text on your phone?”
Dad “Predictive sex – what’s that then?”
We drove down south on Friday evening. Of course we set off late and ended up driving at warp factor 4 down the A1. Ravenous and with everywhere closed at 9.30pm, we ended up in a ‘Little Chef’ – another thing I’ve not done since the 1980’s.
But this wasn’t the Little Chef I remember. This was a ‘concept’ Little Chef with a menu which listed braised ox cheeks, crushed peas and buttery mash on its Heston Blumenthal approved menu.
Concept Little Chef on the A1 near Nottingham.
And - when I paid a visit to the ladies the sensors not only alerted the lights but singing bird sound effects and moo-ing cows which accompanied my tinkling. Never has going to the toilet been so much fun!
My Dad lives on the edge of some beautiful woods – it would have been rude not to go for a morning stroll.
Public display of affection.
Nice logs!
In the afternoon we enjoyed all that a small market town has to offer. Including:
The Christmas Tree display hosted by the Methodist Church. My Dad was responsible for the Rotary’s contribution – and very proud he was too.
Followed by more Christmas markets, £4 for a sausage and £3 for a loaf of fancy bread. I ask you!
I still bought some though.
There was a fair, lights, all the usual stalls – and a disproportionately large number of mascot costumes. Amongst the crowds I spotted:
1. Sponge Bob Square Pants.
2. Penguin.
3. Darth Vader.
4. Sonic the Hedgehog.
5. A large cod and
6. A cone of chips!
I was starting to wonder whether the poppy seeds on my sausage bap were having a hallucinogenic effect on me when I saw the cone of chips, actually ordering a cone of chips!
Is this classed as cannibalism?
So it’s been another busy week here at ‘Wonderful Life Blog Central’. Just in case you missed any of my posts in the Christmas hub-bub, here is the usual round up.On Monday I had the mother of all rants with another Room 101 – what really gets on my tits.
While on Tuesday we went hunting for Narnia when we celebrated the birthday of Clive Staples Lewis.
We also had a last ‘Throw of the mo’ as Movember drew to a close. The mo has now gone, I’m very glad to say, but not before it raised over £200 for research into men’s cancers.
Me I’m really glad it’s gone.
Tris So if I’d turned up on our first date with a moustache, would I have got a second date?
Me Absolutely not.
Tris How very shallow.
Me So if I’d turned up on our first date with a moustache, would I have got a second date?
Tris Hmmm – probably not!
Wednesday saw me chasing striking public sector workers through the streets of Manchester trying to catch up with the march (see 'Power to the People' before and 'Damp Squib my Arse' after).
December 1st arrived on Thursday which meant we could finally embrace Christmas.
Thursday also saw Paperblog approach me to include my blog on their site. I was chuffed to bits.
Friday bought my weekly Brides Up North article. This time it was about ‘Man Management’! It also bought a bit of nostalgia – I’m sure I used to need both hands to eat a Curly Wurly!
We finished the week off with another installment of our New England road trip with ‘New England bubbles and Screech owls’.
So there you have it – last week in a nut shell.
November saw my page views double that of previous months (over 3,000 now). Thanks everyone for sticking with me and staying interested.
Finally, don’t forget to ‘like’ ‘My Wonderful Life’ on Facebook.
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Thanks again you bunch of superstars xx