Self Expression Magazine

Superbowl Sunday - the Winner is a Funky M

Posted on the 06 February 2012 by Alison @AlStaples
I've woken up this morning to a whole Facebook full of Super Bowl. 
The New York Giants vs The New England Patriots.
Like many Brits - I can't say I understand American Football. I'm told it's like chess with padding.
And then there is the whole helmets and body armor vs getting dirty and bloody with broken noses and cauliflower ears of rugby. Now there's a game for real men ........ or crazy people .....
So this morning, my Facebook went something like this:
Picking up 100 wings at The Sundown. Go Giants!!
Giants vs patriots... meh ! Its like watching Chelsea vs Arsenal and trying to decide who to support by who I hate the least... In this case hates the patriots more so come on giants...
Waiting patiently for the Beckham commercial...................
I think someone needs to point out that there are OTHER countries in this "World" they keep talking about...............or did something change that I wasn't aware of?
OMG when did the Superbowl turn in to the Country Music Awards? Seriously? Everyone is falling asleep!!!
But as much as Superbowl being about the football, it's also about the advertising. During the course of the game, there were over 60 adverts. Advertising on Superbowl Sunday costs a fortune with advertisers competing to produce the most popular ad. 
Hero of Superbowl.......Mr. Quigley!!!

Superbowl Sunday - the winner is a funky M

In at number 11 - Mr Quigley.

 Click here to see Mr Quigley in action.
YESSSSSS Beckham is rugged and ripped!!!! Shame he sounds like Minnie Mouse when he talks LMAO!!!

Superbowl Sunday - the winner is a funky M

At number 64 - David Beckham.

Click here to see David Beckham in his pants on Superbowl Sunday.
Sadly DB's packet was beaten (amongst others) by a dog in Skechers, a sling shot toddler and a funky M&M from an entirely different packet!

Superbowl Sunday - the winner is a funky M

At number 1 - a funky M&M.

Click here to see the funky M&M.

Superbowl Sunday - the winner is a funky M

In at number 4 - sling shot toddler.

 Click here to see the baby fly.
So - it seems that someone won - and that it was a cliff hanger! 
But the real winner was the funky M&M.
Do they really win a 'Super Bowl'? 

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