Feeling pretty good. Only almost cried once today, and had to focus on the present moment. It is the first day of school for my 5th grader and my 7th grader. This is the first year I have been able to go to both open houses before school starts, and be here for them on the first day of school. I usually rushed home after a full day with 18 other wonderful children who were not my own. I hugged these children and loved them like their mommas would, but it was not the same. I missed out on so much because I had to work. Today was different.
I got up early, saw my oldest off, but forgot to snap her photo as her friend arrived to walk her to the bus stop. Took my youngest to school, and got the photo. Ran some errands, talked to my dad on the phone. Dad asked me why my youngest wasn’t riding the bus in the morning and I said because I wanted to take her, and she will ride home on the bus. I don’t want her waiting in the elements and all that. It gets cold, and she doesn’t have a friend to walk with. Dad thought that was pretty funny. He said his parents let him ride the bus the 12 miles to school and he waited in the “elements”.
Anyway, I came home and got started on my writing. I start on my stories in this little journal I have. I still hand write them. Then I type them up and edit. I finished that one, and got started on the next piece. Last week, I found a magazine that was so perfect for me I was giddy. When I was a child, I wanted to be an archaeologist. I went on digs at fossil pits, no lie, and took summer school classes. I loved paleontology and learned about dinosaurs as well. History was my thing…then I was talked into being an English major. True story. I was told teachers got their summers off, and didn’t that sound nice? It did. It was a job “better suited” for a family. I would have had to go away to college to study paleontology. I had a boyfriend at the time who begged me to stay close to home. I did.
So, the part of me who still loves to research the obscure history fact was happy to find this magazine. It combines ALL my loves. Writing, researching, teaching, and archeology. I actually took Spanish as a 5th grader so I could climb the ruins in Mexico one day and be able to speak the language. I went to the British Museum with the President of my college just so I could hear him speak on ancient Egypt. Artifacts draw me in. I weave stories about the people and tie the clues together. I was THE only kid I knew of who actually got Archaeology Magazine as a teenager.
Enter this magazine. I am eventually going to tell you the name, but right now, I’m not. I sent off my first article on mummies and the Egyptian culture last week…written for kids! This week I am researching witchcraft for the magazine. They don’t know I exist yet, as I have never submitted anything before. The issues will be published next fall. I know that’s a long way out, but when I hear something, I will let you know:) Notice I said WHEN. I will get in that magazine somehow.