Self Expression Magazine

…take a Chance

Posted on the 16 July 2018 by Zer @the2women

…take a chanceHappy Monday, crusaders!

And what a week we have ahead of us.

Comic-Con starts Thursday, "Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again" hits theaters this Friday, and really, what else matters?

I think we've already reached maximum #MondayMotivation with those two, so let's run with it...I mean, sure, "Game of Thrones", "Outlander", "Marvel", and "Star Wars," are all skipping Comic-Con...

…take a chance

...but there's still plenty to get excited about.

…take a chance

And speaking of kickass women, let's not forget what truly matters this week, the release of "Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again."

…take a chance

We are mere days away from this all singing, all dancing, musical sequel extravaganza. So let's stay focused out there people.

…take a chance

Now get out there and make this a week Meryl would be proud of.

…take a chance smile...

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