Self Expression Magazine

…Take A Seat

Posted on the 29 June 2016 by Zer @the2women

game of thronesIt’s been a roller coaster of a week for “Game of Thrones” fans. Before I go any further, I’d like to caution there are SPOILERS AHEAD. Although, if you haven’t watched the season finale yet, it’s really on you. But there you have it, your official SPOILER ALERT.

Back to my original train of thought…

First, came the season 6 finale, which was awesome, but also saw one of the series largest mass casualties (R.I.P. Margaery…and everyone else). Thankfully, the episode ended on a high note with Daenerys finally loading up the dragons and her armies and setting a course across the Narrow Sea to Westeros.

Unfortunately, that’s not where this week’s nerdy revelations ended. The show’s creator’s revealed this week that the series is reaching its end. In fact, there are only 10 to 15 hours left. For those of you trying to do the math at home, that’s 1 to 1.5 seasons.

It’s not exactly surprising, after all, for the first time since the series began it feels like all the separate story lines are finally coming together. Which is incredibly satisfying as a longtime fan, and it’s also a sign that we’re nearing the end. Or it should be a sign, assuming that the creators aren’t planning on jumping the shark.

While it’s a lot to take in, as a fan of well told stories, it’s nice to see the GoT creators showing some integrity instead of seeing how long they can stretch the story out to make some extra money. Still it stings a little, especially when the series seemed to finally hit its stride this season.

All good things must end, and the good news is, we still have a season to a season and a half to enjoy…unless they decide to stretch it out “Mad Men” style with weird/confusing half seasons. Here’s hoping our favorite (and not so favorite) citizens of Westeros get the end they deserve (unlike Queen Margaery…still not over it).

More on the Story: CNN

…just for fun:

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