Self Expression Magazine

…Take A Seat

Posted on the 15 January 2014 by Zer @the2women

McDonaldsHappy hump day to one and all!

In honor of making it halfway through the week, I thought I’d share a feel-good story about a group of underdogs taking on the big, bad, franchised corporation.

The dispute?  It’s the battle as old as time between loiterers, and restaurant owners…made even worse since the invention of WiFi.

The big, bad, franchised corporation?  A McDonald’s in Queens.

The “underdogs”?  A large group of senior citizens who have chosen this particular McDonald’s location as their daily meeting place.

It seems this group, just really likes McDonald’s.  Or at least they like the seating arrangement at this particular location.  For the past several months, the group has been hanging out at this location everyday from 5 a.m. until after dark.

In typical big, bad, franchised corporation style, McDonald’s has asked the group to congregate elsewhere, saying that they’re bad for business.  They’ve even asked the police to get involved.

In true underdog fashion, the ragtag group has refused to be deterred, and refuses to be moved, and they have every right to stay.  After all, they buy a small packet of french fries every day…to share.

Stay strong, stubborn group of old people, stay strong.

More on the Story:

…just for fun:

because these never get old -

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