This Flick Friday is not just any Flick Friday, it’s also Arbor Day…a day for the trees. So I can think of no better way to celebrate than with some of my favorite tree movies.
What qualifies a movie as a tree movie? I could tell you that, but then you wouldn’t get to enjoy the discovery of my very particularly curated list of Arbor Day tree movies. You’d be too busy coming up with your own list of favorite tree movies.
So, first the list, then go forth and make your own tree movie lists, and also take a moment to do something nice for the trees, without them, we would have no tree movie lists.
Up first, an obvious choice, but a necessary one nonetheless: “The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers”
One name, two syllables: Treebeard
And no tree movie list would be complete without “Pocahontas” and Grandmother Willow:
Next, “Harry Potter,” because I don’t think there’s a person among us who doesn’t immediately think of trees when they think of Harry Potter.
Then there’s “The Lion King” and its incredible Tree of Life, which is only in about 30 seconds of the movie, yet it has managed to become synonymous with the film. Hats off to Disney on that one:
And even though I reckon the apple trees in “The Wizard of Oz” have made more than a few nightmare cameos, you have to admire their pluck:
Finally, I end my list with “Guardians of the Galaxy,” because we all know that we are all Groot:
So in conclusion. A tree alone does not a tree movie make, but it sure does spruce things up to throw an anthropomorphized one in there, it can only help.
…bi-daily smile…