Self Expression Magazine

…Take the Wheel

Posted on the 10 April 2016 by Zer @the2women

 …Take the Wheel As many of us make our way to and from brunch this fine spring day, or head out for an afternoon barbecue (it’s warm enough for that somewhere, right?),  we’re using some sort of ridesharing service. 

Many don’t give a second thought to who they’re getting in the car with. Their primary focus is getting from point A to point B. However, the fact is, we’re putting a lot of faith in this total stranger.

It’s something some don’t give much thought to, while others have it at the front of their mind. 

It’s these others who Chariot for Women are hoping to serve with their new ridesharing service set to launch in Boston later this month. In case you haven’t guessed, those “others,” they’re serving are women.

Chariot will drive only women, and it’s drivers are also only women. 

I’ll give you a second to absorb that. It’s an interesting business plan, and prime for controversy since it excludes 50 percent of the population.

Some have called it sexist, and patronizing to women. While others have said its empowering.

However, it’s very telling that the response from women has been nearly entirely positive. Which means there’s definitely a market for a women-only ridesharing service.

While I can appreciate the fact that some men might be offended by the exclusive nature of the service, it’s hard to judge a service that exists because women still have to worry about being harassed (or worse) simply because they’re female.  

It’s even more difficult to pass judgment once you learn that two percent of all profits will be donated to charity. Still it’s something to think about on this spring Sunday afternoon…

More on the Story: TechCrunch

…just for fun:

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