Self Expression Magazine

…take Your Time

Posted on the 07 February 2019 by Zer @the2women

Happy Friday Junior, crusaders. The weekend is nigh, and as we all sit on the eve of another Oscar countdown, my brain is already wandering towards what this summer (and spring, if we're being honest) of blockbusters will bring...

…take your time

As details of this Marvel monster (in the best way) are revealed, it has some fans restless...namely the ones who are worried about the three-hour-plus runtime. To which I say...

…take your time

That's right, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" ran three hours and twenty minutes...and we planned accordingly.

Think of the incredible world Marvel has spent a decade creating, do you really want to spoil it by whining about this epic finale (of this chapter) being too long?

Of course, being the conscientious storytellers that they are, Marvel is considering including an intermission. And I completely approve. Let's go full-on, retro on this. This may be a practical solution, but it could also be an opportunity to make going to the movies the event it once was...

…take your time

Who knew a road that started with Robert Downey Jr. as a Marvel character most had never heard of before would one day lead us here. (Can we get the in-theater organs too, please?)

…take your time

Let's do this Marvel fans, get out there and intermission. smile...

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