Self Expression Magazine

…take Your Time

Posted on the 11 March 2019 by Zer @the2women
…take your time

With daylight saving still fresh on everyone's sleep schedules, today is probably going to be a bit rough out there. So what a great day to celebrate National Napping Day.

Seriously, more than a third of us are sleep deprived according to the CDC. and a nap might be just the ticket to get motivated today.

It's amazing how the mention of a nap can bring out the child in so many adults, children with very different temperaments, but children nonetheless.

On the one hand, there are those that greet it with glee.

…take your time

Then there are those that resist and whine about the lost productivity.

…take your time

Of course, the whiners are the ones who likely need the nap the most, but they're just as difficult to convince of that fact as any toddler. But a nap can turn your day around.

…take your time

Of course, I recognize that not everyone will be able to honor the holiday in the traditional way, but I think going to bed early counts too. Now let's get out there and get cracking on killing that sleep deficit. smile...

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