As I said in my previous post, I am planning to move to my brother’s place. He lives in a small apartment with a roommate. When I told my family I want to move, he decided to get a bigger place so I can have my personal space. He initially thought he could move to the new place in the first or second week of August. He was prepared to pay $500 for some fees if they let him move within a week. My parents were on board with this plan. I did not like the idea of spending all that money so we can get in 2 weeks early. My family was worried if they do not jump on it, I might change my mind. I told them I would not, but that did not help. I even threatened them that I will not go if they spend $500. That did not work either, and they continued with the idea.
My brother was preparing to move last week, but at the last minute, something came up. His landlord wanted to do some repairs before we moved in. He said he can only get it ready by the end of this month. Hooray! I got few more days to stay here. I will not leave till the first week of September.
I am kind of sad because I want to see my brother too. I thought I would be there for Rakhi, (August 21,)- the Indian festival where the sister ties a Rakhi, (it’s like a friendship bracelet with an Indian twist,) on her brother’s hand reminding him of his responsibility to protect, (take care of,) her for life. Rakhi is also called Raksha (protecion) bandhan (bond)- a bond of protection. I have not personally tied a Rakhi on my brothers hand for 5 years now. This is our, (me and my brother’s,) favorite festival. He gets lots of Rakhi’s, (traditionally only one, but he likes a lot, so I tie at least 3-4,) and sweets. I get money. He is supposed to give me money/gift after I tie Rakhi. Now you know why it is my favorite. I told him that we will celebrate late this year, so I guess maybe it is not totally bad. I have an image of Rakhi thali below, for my non-Indian readers.
A typical Rakhi thali has the Rakhi, kumkum (red powder), arti (camphor lit to take away evil eye), akshthalu (rice used to bless,) Indian sweets, and maybe an Idol of a God
I am happy because I can be here for the first 3 weeks of D’s new semester. Hopefully, by the time I leave “D” will get into the routine of going to school everyday and being busy. That way he will not miss me much, and I can also figure out his cooking schedule. Over all, I still think it is something to be happy about. We will be happy for every extra minute we get.
Comment down below. What are you thankful for this week?