Diaries Magazine

Thanks for That, Google...

Posted on the 29 September 2011 by Threesixfive @MamaChaser
So from time to time I will look at my keywords - words that are used in Google search engines to drag people here. And sometimes I am surprised by the keywords people use and sometimes it seems obvious.
And then there was today. 
When I saw "fat mother and baby" as a keyword. Um, yeah, thanks Google! I'm pleased that you saw fit to direct someone here who used that as their keyword. I didn't realize the Internet could be so un-subtle. 
Looks like it's time for the Special K diet* then, eh? 
*Um, please...not in a million years or if you paid me a million pounds. If you want to shift some weight and drop a dress size; eat less and do more. It's that easy!

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