The surveys on the old MILONGUEROS of Buenos Aires are now closed. I want to thank the many women who participated. Your answers will help me as I go forward with my third memoir about the eleven years I lived in Argentina. Of course my book is not a scientific study, or an anthropological report, but my personal experiences there. The survey answers help me to understand the machista culture through the eyes of others.
I got some funny replies, by the way. One person wrote, "This survey is utter crap." And, "Why are only females invited to complete this survey? It is discriminatory." I love it. All answers were completely anonymous so I have no idea who any responders were or where they're from, but more serious replies are useful. Thanks again to one and all who took the time to answer.

Las encuestas sobre los viejos MILONGUEROS de Buenos Aires ahora están cerradas. Quiero agradecer a las muchas mujeres que participaron. Sus respuestas me ayudarán a medida que avanzo con mi tercera memoria sobre los once años que viví en Argentina. Por supuesto, mi libro no es un estudio científico o un informe antropológico, sino mis experiencias personales allí. Las respuestas de la encuesta me ayudan a comprender la cultura machista a través de los ojos de los demás.