There is nothing that he likes more (apart from Oliver the Monkey and food) than getting in some serious sleep time. He is the master of the power nap (or the 'Murray Special' as I have often heard this referred to). He can sleep anywhere and without notice. He can snore as loud as a seasoned grandpa who has spent his senior years friending a box of snuff. If it wasn't for the occasional snoring session, he would be a sleep Ninja.

A selection of River's Power Naps
However, I am starting to suspect that Indigo is secretly on the magic coffee beans. Clandestinely wolfing down double espresso's made from Columbia's finest java. She is a fully paid member of the wide-awake club (...not sure who she get this trait from).
Who me?
Now, both of these habits whilst being unbelievable cute at times and very endearing (at times) can also be just a little bit irritating. For example, when you want to get them ready to go out or give them a quick feed or in most cases, stop them from getting too much sleep (I say them I mean River) the frequency of power naps can seriously throw a spanner in the works.
You may be asking yourself (unless you are a mummy, then I am fairly sure you understand 100% of what I am talking about here) "Is there such a thing as too much sleep?"
The answer to this question in the case of a baby is a resounding yes! Yes there definitely is such a thing of too much sleep. If a baby sleeps too much during the day you can bet your sweet ass that they are plotting a night of baby party and mummy-led entertainment. If they get just the right amount then they are prime to hit the cot at a decent hour and spend the night in dreamland. Therefore the grouchiness and the odd tear that you get from disturbing their daytime slumber is totally worth it. Though that being said, waking up a baby when they are sound asleep is not always the easiest of tasks. I have found there is not one fail-proof way to wake up the sleeping lion (again, River...I am talking about you). Babies are very adaptable so you have to keep switching up tactics. Plus they are never too young to just roll over and go back to sleep, to be fair, I can't really moan about this, as this is something I kind of specialise in...
In the case of a baby who just wants to keep their eyes wide open and party 24-7, bedtimes and nap times be damned (I am talking about you now, Indigo) this also isn't the easiest and is a situation that brings its own unique challenges.

"There are way more fun things to be doing than sleeping mummy!"
Like when a baby is so desperately tired because they have managed to dodge napping all day as they didn't want to miss out on any of the fun. This situation makes for a very irritated, sensitive and loud baby. I swear I think I have seen Indigo shape-shift into an actual Gremlin on times like these. I'm talking swinging from the light shade, climbing the walls, screaming, throwing things, and getting generally very rowdy with nothing being able to satisfying her tormented sleep deprived soul. Okay so whilst Indigo may have Gremlin-like tendencies she doesn't really turn into a baby sized wrecking ball. She is more like a frustrated Stitch (a la 'Lilo & Stitch') trampling an imaginary city.
Sometimes life with the babies is a bit more like this...
Oh and a lot like this...
Plus the worst thing is, is that with a day of no sleep - no matter how sweet and charming she has been throughout the day if we have managed to avoid tantrums, when it comes to bedtime, and she has her bottle, as soon as the teat meets her lips she is out for the count and then I am left with the above task of waking her up (which is crazy difficult).
It is making for an interesting learning process. For the most part my little sweeties manage to balance the tight-rope that is napping and sleeping and sleep through the night. But on the occasions that all hell breaks loose and Gremlins possess them, it is a little bit of a nightmare.
You know what though, I wouldn't change it at all as it is all part of the process of them growing up!
Indigo does nap sometimes :)