Self Expression Magazine

The Art of Ungiving

Posted on the 11 December 2016 by Lucky @imlosingitorg

First of all I want to start off by apologizing for the lack of content on our site in the last couple of years.  The Universe has a funny way of making us slow down and reevaluate our life. This article will not be pleasant and I am pretty sure not very popular with most people given it is Christmas.  It’s funny I had in mind a completely different article but fate interceded an this is the article I felt compelled to write.

I recently met an older lady in my building who had recently moved to the building.  We talked of family and of life.  Her regret in life was that she had not been more grateful for her life.  I think we can all relate to that. As we talked she talked about all the Humanitarian work her daughter does overseas including the creation of a large garden for the women of the Village.  I was truly in awe of the accomplishments of her daughter so you can imagine my surprise when our conversation changed to the possibility of a Guaranteed Income for everyone in Canada she became outraged that we would all be equal and that there would be nothing to make us different or special.  I was mortified that here her daughter was trying to make the World a better place but the Mother was more concerned with her place in life.  She felt they didn’t deserve to be equal and that it would discourage people from working or having dreams.  I felt deep sadness that she could not see the bigger picture.  How many of us  feel defined by how much we make or the amount in our bank accounts?  I quickly changed the subject and left the room.

It made me stop and think how many of us are guilty of this?  Donating our time and money to the less fortunate with the hopes that their plight never changes so that they can continue to feel good about ourselves?  Ungiving is when you donate money hoping it doesn’t change anything.  This article is not about Not donating but rather it is to make us more Mindful of why we are donating.  During the holidays a lot of people donate out of guilt or on autopilot.  We need to embrace helping each other every day of the year and give from our hearts.  We should give because we believe that everyone in the World has the right to Food, Water and Shelter it’s not a privilege.  It’s all about change and Change is Good.

May you all have a very Merry Christmas and Blessed holidays

Have a great day!


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