Self Expression Magazine

The Big City Just Arrived in My Mailbox.

Posted on the 08 September 2013 by Mummyflyingsolo @mummyflyingsolo
I want to be here right now.

I want to be here right now.

WOW. Just wow. I think this might be one of the best postcards I have ever received. It rocks.

I have never been to New York but I have always wanted to go. While I love my small town lifestyle to bits, I do enjoy a visit to a bustling big city. One day I will get there and see this amazing city.  And when I do, I’m going to eat my own weight in pretzels and bagels.

I bet this city pulses like a living organism. The energy of 8.25 million people has to go somewhere right? I mean, look at that picture. It’s all happening. I can almost hear the sound of car horns beeping and see the vibrations as the city pulses like a heartbeat. Ba boom ba boom ba boom. It is clearly raining too but look at all the people still crowding the sidewalk.

Anyway enough about New York, let’s talk about the lovely lady who sent this to me: Sophie over at the fabulous Mommy Training Wheels. And just to confuse you, Sophie isn’t actually from New York. She is Canadian and lives in small town about 45 mins from the fun and fabulous Montreal.

I’ve been to Montreal. I was visiting a friend so was there in winter and OMG it was freezing. It got to -30C one day. Ridiculous!! I ran into a store out of the cold as I was just too freezing to stand it anymore and the feeling of defrosting when I hit the heating was actually painful. It hurt my bones. I’ll never forget it.

It’s a really fun city though and is apparently quite awesome in summer. There are lots of festivals, great music, really warm weather and beautiful colours.

I envy Sophie for living so close to such a wonderful place AND for living in a place where they speak mostly French! I studied French as a major at university and it is slowly dwindling from ‘total crap but I can get by’ down to ‘completely and utterly woeful’ due to lack of use.

Anyway the awesome French speaking Sophie has a wonderful blog that you should totally check out. She has been writing posts since her little boy was 2 weeks old (he is now about 10mths) so it follows her progress from new mom to now. That is such an interesting period of time for a first time parent so you should totally go back and see some of her back catalogue, like this one about swaddling.  She also has some great entries about BLW (baby led weaning) and dairy allergy (something also an issue in our house). Have a search on her site!

Enjoy! And I hope you are having a great weekend.


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