so, if you are from the states, how was the turkey? did you eat too much, too little, or maybe you don't eat turkey at all? or perhaps you participated in a turkey trot - a tradition practiced in many parts of america where some people hoping to offset the side effect of consuming mass quantities of food join in with their community to go for a morning run the day of thanksgiving. or, maybe you want to buy property in turkey as opposed to eating it? I've never been to turkey myself but after checking out this turkish travel blog (in an attempt to inform myself of this wondrous place so that I may write knowledgeably about the country of turkey) I am tempted to travel there. the photographs of the villages, their people and their landscape are so different from anything I have seen here in america - differences I always find intriguing. as I read through ttb, I came upon the story of a man who as of september 1, 2012 started trekking across turkey, a 1305-mile walk, from the aegean coast to iran. his name is matt krause and he is writing about his journey on his blog called the heathen pilgrim. my impression is that matt's aim is to introduce those who are not turkish born to the turkish way of life, by traveling through turkey and sharing his experiences along the way. in the process he hopes to illuminate his readers as to how a seemingly different people, who, despite their cultural differences, are still very much the same as you and I. what makes it more unusual is that he is willing to go to such lengths in order to do so. & in case you're interested, matt's thanksgiving day post about an experience he had with oprah is especially amusing - at least it was to me.
what about you, have you ever been to turkey?