When I got to the parking lot it was full. The attendant instructed me to park in the bank parking lot. It was also full :-( I thought to myself just go home now this was a bad idea. I quickly countered this thought with another, don't chicken out now. I went back to the main parking lot and the attendant showed me another location to park.
I parked and headed into the bar. It's raining so it'll probably be dead, I thought. I thought wrong. The bar was packed. All seats taken and no room to even stand at the bar. I sat at a table top that was set for two. I ordered one drink and an appetizer.
The crowd that I had not expected seemed to all know each other. There were guys and girls around the bar who were laughing and joking together. Lots of smaller groups at table tops. Several groups of women grabbing an after work drink with the girls. There were a few couples enjoying date night. Then there was me, sitting all alone. The only girl their not part of a group. Well this sucks, I thought.This is the story of me being brave and going to a happy hour all by myself. This was my second time doing so. While it was not the experience I was hoping for, nor was it the first time I went, I do feel proud of myself for going, for pushing out the walls of my comfort zone just a little. .I know for many of you going to a happy hour alone is no big deal. It is for me though. I am used to entering the bar/social scene among friends. Going solo is a new experience for me.
Why do it? Because as my peers and I get older more and more of them are embracing more of a family lifestyle, heading home to husbands and children. While I hope to join them in that stage of life sooner than later, I'm not there yet. So that means if I still want to partake in single life I have to 1 continue to make new single friends and 2 be brave and go solo some times.
It did not go the way I hoped. I am not as comfortable as I'd like to be going solo. Nevertheless I went. I was brave and I hope it will get easier. Going solo will be joyful, eventually.
Do you go out by yourself often? If so where do you go?