Why look, it’s Little Rara, under the tree. If you peek around her mother’s trademark finger-in-the-picture, you can quite clearly see that Little Rara is filled with joy and glee.
What the picture doesn’t show you is:
- The hideous two-tree monstrosity was a result of her parent’s inability to compromise on certain matters. She, and her siblings, loved having two trees.
- She decorated the trees by herself while everyone was sleeping. To do so, she put a kitchen chair on the sofa. Easy.
- She decorated the tree because you can’t open presents without a decorated tree. Obviously.
- This is two days before Christmas. At roughly 4am in the morning.
- Her big sister’s name is written on the opened present, not hers.
- The doll she is holding is a legit, actual, super-awesome Rainbow Brite doll.
- She knew it was her big sister’s present.
- She knew it was a Rainbow Brite doll.
- She was hoping she’d get away because she just woke up from her Big Sleep in the hospital.
- She did get away with it.
Louis Tomlinson once said, “Live fast, have fun, be a bit mischievous.” I think Rainbow Brite would add, “Put a Rainbow in your Heart”. I’d add– Be joyful. Rawr love.
What would you add?
Were you a mischievous child?
Weekly Photo Challenge: http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2013/12/27/weekly-photo-challenge-joy/