This post has been published by me as a part of Blog-a-Ton 55; the fifty-fifth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. In association with Rashmi Kumar, the author of Hooked, Lined and Single and Jyoti Arora, the author of Lemon Girl.
The Monsoon Pain
Monsoon brings so much emotions one of these is sorrow. Those in pain saw rain as clouds shedding tears for them and partnering their pain to ease their sufferings. I have tried to bring out the grief of a victim of domestic violence in these rain drops or tear drops. ( Its your wish how you see them)Ithink you are dear to him as well, sincewhen you have gone fromhere continuous is the rain spell As rain water has submerged the courtyard and the garden, I am too drown in the pain of separation Until you will not come backagain, unbearable is this pleasant rain.
Isit and see, the wind blowing the leaves of tree as you caressed my hairwith your hands. But soon strongwind made branches to bend like you twisted my arms to hit strongly with your hands, I too fell on theground in the pool of tears like these falling leavesin house's rear.
I and youwhen walked in the rain together,everybody used to adore and around us they all used to gather,to appreciate that love between us,
but then you created the fuss whenyou punched me in the midst of
the night, they assembled onceagain to praise my woundsin full delight.
am nowfree from your
oppression with some
one who didn't bound his love
to any outdated tradition. Love is
free so am I from any condition, its
better to leave than suffer and cry in
seclusion. Love has the energy to
ease all pain, like pouring water
relieving this thirsty land
in form of rain.
To bear injustice, inhumanity for whose dignity,
When some one don't care for your self identity.
The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Participation Count: 20 Image Credits: Monsoon by Yann (Wikimedia Commons). Shared with GNU Free Documentation License CC Attribution-Share Alike.