Creativity Magazine

The Nameless Lists of Draftslandia

Posted on the 12 March 2014 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

I’ve decided to take a little journey through the untitled lists in my drafts folder.  I don’t remember if these were inspired by something I read, or just something I assembled in the early mornings before coffee– or late at night after too much coffee.

At least now they have a home in their very own post.


  1. I’m exceptionally good with buttons.

I have no idea what this means, but I’m enjoying the singularity and positivity of the list.  As of today, I probably wouldn’t go to the extreme of saying I am exceptionally good with buttons, but I’m certainly not bad.


  1. I’ll engage in all sorts of strange behavior in order to avoid putting my hand in a bag of food, like potato chips.

This is true. I have no idea what this list was supposed to be all about, either.  It could be “How I Weird People Out” or perhaps “Stuff that Makes Me Cranky”, or “How I Deal with My Pet Peeves”?

  1. the dirt that settles on cars
  2. kinetic energy
  3. blue dye
  4. untrained dogs
  5. subliminal messages
  6. body hosts
  7. glue & other things which leave sticky residues like bumper stickers
  8. idiots with guns
  9. idiots without guns
  10. smart people with fan clubs
  11. deterioration
  12. misdirection
  13. starting a fight
  14. secret & obvious recordings
  15. truth
  16. loud sounds
  17. gremlins, the hulk, Tila
  18. murder novels
  19. transparent electronic devices
  20. cancer
  21. blindness
  22. surprises
  23. spontaneity
  24. dirty sand. clean sand. same thing.
  25. the first two months of a new car
  26. the 10 mile radius around my home, wherever it may be
  27. coyotes (they eat kittens!)
  28. bunnies
  29. helicopters and other things that blow up when you shoot them in a certain place
  30. tempers
  31. coughing fits
  32. dentists and chiropractors
  33. covered parking garages
  34. coffee in movie theatres
  35. stealing & theft
  36. maple trees, palm trees
  37. mosquitos, ants, and bugs I don’t know
  38. symptoms
  39. panty lines
  40. back-fat from bra lines
  41. combining chemicals
  42. combining medicines
  43. emergencies that occur during moments of nudity
  44. suffocating
  45. smelling flowers
  46. making a difference
  47. not making a difference
  48. throwing things away
  49. reality television
  50. music that people listen to without really listening to
  51. elevators
  52. escalators
  53. bad impulses
  54. sidekicks
  55. clowns
  56. alternate realities
  57. time travel
  58. voodoo
  59. lapses in judgement
  60. giving or getting bad presents
  61. speakers
  62. fans
  63. air ducts
  64. ammonia
  65. amnesia
  66. barns
  67. miscalculations
  68. nail polish remover
  69. a bird in my home
  70. a broom left standing
  71. poseidon
  72. events that require scratchy clothes
  73. small spaces
  74. falling
  75. bridges
  76. portals (into parallel universes)
  77. power shortages
  78. brain washing
  79. dead plants
  80. being questioned on things I should but don’t know off the top of my head: like left vs right, the metric system, and military time
  81. perfectly even stones
  82. contaminated water
  83. waxing
  84. fish with teeth
  85. dressing inappropriately
  86. amputation

This list is obvious: “Stuff that Is Terrifying”. I couldn’t even read through it without panicking, so I have no idea how I wrote it in the first place.


  1. death
  2. public speaking
  3. being in a fight
  4. needles
  5. bears
  6. airplanes
  7. food poisoning
  8. the CIA
  9. depending on others for safety
  10. having others depending on me for their safety
  11. blank pages
  12. being fooled
  13. the dark
  14. the incorrect healing of bones
  15. confusion
  16. muppets
  17. spiders, cockroaches
  18. heights
  19. tunnels
  20. acupuncture
  21. storms

This list is also obvious. It’s stuff that (perhaps surprisingly) isn’t scary to me at all.

  1. Follow it up with Free Ice Cream
  2. Deliver it in the form of a catchy pop song
  3. Deliver it via Adorable Puppets

“Ways to Make Bad News Better”?

  1. Don’t marry someone you don’t like.
  2. Try to be awake in the morning, at least half the time
  3. Trust your gut.

Um.  “Good Advice”?

  1. Dress them up and have a quarter puppet show.
  2. Turn them into dimes and make a list of things to do with dimes.
  3. Stack them up and make a tower. Pretend you’re godzilla and stand on it.
  4. Give them to me.
  5. Go to an arcade
  6. Pay for random car meters
  7. Do laundry… lots of it
  8. Tape them to your body and trick-or-treat all year long
  9. Buy lots of gumballs. String them together and sell them as jewelry.
  10. Melt them down and make a sword.
  11. Give to the homeless

“11 Things To Do If You Have A Lot of Quarters”?


  1. The lady who calls for her partner in busy places by saying “honey!” as if that in any way could indicate her specific partner.
  2. The person who orders a plate of bacon, but asks for a diet coke and to hold the fries.
  3. The piqued geek– as in, “Actually, that was Episode 3.” or “Frodo isn’t a Jedi. Ahhh!”

“People I Didn’t Understand Before I Became Them”.


And there we have it.  I clearly have a list addiction.

How often do you make lists?  What’s in your drafts folder?

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