It's a new year and a new cycle. This update is about gearing myself up for another try at becoming a mom. This is my 10th cycle and 6th IUI. I cannot believe it has been almost a year since I started trying and over a year since I decided to embark on this Single Mother By Choice Journey. So what's the plan this month? Obviously I'm doing an IUI but I am making a change. Check out the video to see what I'm doing different this cycle.
So what do you guys think? Did you do IUIs or some other type of fertility treatment to get pregnant?
P.S. Don't forget to pray for me. This process can be super hard.
posted on 05 August at 10:21
I am 35 years old and I was diagnosed with poor ovarian reserve and very bad prognosis of having a baby with my own eggs. I was even given the option to consider donor eggs. That was around july 2014. I was absolutely devastated with the news and I arranged an IVF for November 2014 and it failed also, given that I had nothing to lose, I contacted on facebook (Oduduwa Ajakaye) and he send me his herbal product,. Believe it or not… I am already pregnant!